6 Safety Tips to Consider When Using Transformers

6 Safety Tips to Consider When Using Transformers

Transformers are essential for electrical systems that are responsible for moving electricity from one place to another.  They help to change the voltage of electricity and make it safe and usable in homes, factories, and businesses. Transformers are used in many places, such as power plants, electric poles, and substations. But if they are not used properly can lead to danger.

Understanding the horrible aspects of electricity, transformer manufacturers such as Mahendra Transformers (P) Limited provide you the high-end electrical solutions that enhance safety in diverse electrical systems. These transformers regulate the irregular current as low and high. So it can be used safely in different places and settings. 

Let’s see the 6 key safety tips to help you use transformers safely.

1. Open And Safe Place For Installation

Transformers carry high voltages, which can be dangerous with few errors. You should install it in places where they are not easy to reach.  Make sure to install them in open and well-ventilated places to prevent overheating. Plus, put them on raised platforms to keep them away from water that can cause electrical shock or damage.  Keep them away from children and people who don’t know how to use them.

2. Keep Enough Space Around Transformers

Always keep some space around transformers or barricade the floor around the transformers. It prevents anything from touching the transformers that can cause electrical shock fire or explosions. Various transformers need specific space for placement. So always follow the safety rules given by the manufacturer.

3. Properly Grounded Transformers

Make sure the transformers are safely connected to the ground to direct any excess electricity away. This prevents electric shocks or fires from sudden electrical surges. Follow the proper grounding safety rules, and regularly check the grounding system. 

4. Use Safety Devices

Always use safety devices such as circuit breakers, fuses, and surge protectors with transformers. These devices protect transformers from too much electricity or electrical surges and prevent hazardous damage. You should also install lighting arresters in areas that get a lot of natural lighting and protect transformers from high voltage caused by lightning.

5. Handle Transformer Oil Carefully

Transformers also use oil to stay cool and work properly. This oil can be dangerous if not handled safely. Always wear protective gloves and glasses while handling transformer oil. Avoid touching it with bare hands, and clean up any spills right away to prevent accidents.

6. Conduct Regular Maintenance

Always conduct regular checks to keep them safe. If you look for any signs of damage, such as oil leaks, rust, or strange noises, fix the issue right away to prevent accidents. 


Always source transformers from trusted suppliers, because they construct the electrical items by following the industrial standard safety protocols. Mahendra Transformers (P) Limited is one of the trusted sources of transformers that are certified with ISO 9001:2015 standards. They fabricate their product using high-end technology, and sturdy material that can withstand diverse environmental situations. Their transformers keep your business safe from electrical irregularity, and provide you uninterrupted power supply to maintain productivity in your applications.